Bowler Collection
Ladón Restaurant

Foto portada colección Bowler en Restaurante Ladón - Muebles de diseño por Blasco&Vila

The recently launched Bowler collection can be seen at the Ladon restaurant which is part of the resort complex known as Fantasia Bahia Principe in Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain). The project was carried out by estudi{H}ac.

Foto ambiente sillas bowler de la colección Bowler en Restaurante Ladón - Muebles de diseño por Blasco&Vila

This versatile collection can be found throughout the restaurant and thanks to its multiple possibilities, it helps to bring together the textures, sensations and colours of the different spaces created therein.

Fotos ambiente sillas bowler de la colección Bowler en Restaurante Ladón - Muebles de diseño por Blasco&Vila

Download HERE the technical and price information of the collection.

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