03.08.2016 LUZ DE ALBA

Luz de Alba, Spain

Olive oil is taking centre stage in Luz de Alba, a charming olive oil estate situated in Argamasilla de Alba (Ciudad Real Spain) who has just opened a modern rural lodging in the heart of the property, offering various activities around the “liquid gold” and its heritage with new experiences.

Amongst the thoughtful furniture selection of its suites, the interior designers have elected B&V’s rocking chairs Signature designed by Alegre Design as well as a bespoke sofa the company produced to upgrade the eco experience to an unforgettable stay.

Luz de Alba is a bio project based on self supply by Solar power, and biomass heating with chimneys where the fuel is made from olive stones. In addition, the olive trees that surround the estate – approximately 50.000 specimens, some of them centenary jewels – produce five different classes of great quality olive oil, as well as different products such as ecological cosmetics and chocolates.

The building is perfectly integrated in the environment and the wide cultural offerings propose activities around Olive Oil: wokshops for adults and children, guided tours of the estate and its processes, olive oil tastings and the harvest of olives.

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